About Us

The product, in its current form, was developed to relieve and reduce severe stress, especially for patients experiencing duress and stress preceding surgery, treatments and various convalescent processes.


The product is also suitable for use by people working under extreme pressure who experience tension and stress during their workday.


The process requires no active participation, concentration or other actions. Its use neutralizes outside influences and the subject's emotional state.

Most means for relief of stress and anxiety currently available require active participation, reaction and concentration on the part of the subject.


In most cases, people suffering from significant stress find it difficult to detach themselves from their situation in order to concentrate and relax.


Following its development, the product was tested in several pilots conducted at a dental clinic on patients suffering from dental anxiety, as well as on individuals in stressful situations. Significant changes were observed in their physiological indices, how they felt, and the sense of relaxation before and after using the product


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